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Case study : Going Awesome Places and Stay22

How to build a lifestyle travel blogging business with help from Stay22

Creating a profitable lifestyle travel blog is a dream for many adventurers, and William Tang turned that dream into a reality with his blog, Going Awesome Places. With a passion for outdoor adventure and experiential travel, William embarked on a journey to monetize his blog and generate consistent passive income. One of the key factors in his success story has been his partnership with Stay22. As soon as he joined Stay22 in 2021, William’s revenue increased “in leaps and bounds”. 

If you are interested about William's experience with Stay22 and how he turned his passion into a business, Click the link below. 

Download the Case Study. 

Overall, Stay22 has played a crucial role in helping William build a profitable lifestyle travel blog. Through their innovative solutions, such as Let Me Allez and Stay22 Nova, William has been able to generate consistent passive income and significantly increase his revenue. The accessibility, support, and commitment to evolving alongside the travel blogging industry have made Stay22 an invaluable partner for William and other travel bloggers alike. Click through to read more about William’s journey of building his own success as a modern day travel blogger. 

Ready Integrate LMA Nova at your blog? Start today! 

going awesome places


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